



2017/12-至今 437ccm必赢国际 437必赢会员中心 副教授2016/09-2017/12 437ccm必赢国际 437必赢会员中心 讲师


2012/01-2015/12美国阿克伦大学 化学工程 博士2009/9-2011/12 美国阿克伦大学 化学工程 硕士 2005/09-2009/06 浙江工业大学 化学工程 学士


1. 燃料电池,电解池,光电化学电池,陶瓷膜开发

2. 氢电,水电解制氢气,天然气制氢,氢燃料电池

3. 交通领域二氧化碳吸附

4. 内燃机后处理催化剂开发



1.Y. Yang, J. Fang*, Z. Meng, P. Pu, Q. Zhang, C. Yi, et al. Catalytic activity and influence factors of Mn-Ce mixed oxides by hydrothermal method on diesel soot combustion, Molecular catalysis 2022;524:112334.    

2. Zhang Q, Fang J*, Z. Meng, et al. Simulated soot oxidation in the presence of catalyst and soluble organci fraction using themogracimetric analysis, Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry,  2022; 147,14905-14916.

3. Yang Y, Fang J*, Huang J, Qin Z, Zhang Q, Pu P, et al. Influence of Different Thermal Aging Conditions on Soot Combustion with Catalyst by Thermogravimetric Analysis. Materials 2021;14(13):3647.

4.   Pu P, Fang J*, Zhang Q, Yang Y, Qin Z, Meng Z, et al. Effect of Operating Parameters on Oxidation Characteristics of Soot under the Synergistic Action of Soluble Organic Fractions and Ash. ACS Omega 2021;6(27):17372-8.

5.    Fang J, Zhang Q, Meng Z, Luo Y, Ou J, Du Y, et al. Effects of ash composition and ash stack heights on soot deposition and oxidation processes in catalytic diesel particulate filter. Journal of the Energy Institute 2020;93(5):1942-50.

6.    Fang J, Qin Z, Meng Z, Jiang Y, Liu J, Zhang Q, et al. Performance of Diesel Soot Oxidation in the Presence of Ash Species. Energy & Fuels 2020;34(2):2185-92.

7.    Meng Z, Chen C, Li J, Fang J*, Tan J, Qin Y, et al. Particle emission characteristics of DPF regeneration from DPF regeneration bench and diesel engine bench measurements. Fuel 2020;262:116589.

8.    Meng Z, Li J, Fang J*, Tan J, Qin Y, Jiang Y, et al. Experimental study on regeneration performance and particle emission characteristics of DPF with different inlet transition sections lengths. Fuel 2020;262:116487.

9.    Zhang Q, Fang J*, Meng Z, Chen C, Qin Z. Thermogravimetric analysis of soot combustion in the presence of ash and soluble organic fraction. RSC Advances 2020;10(55):33436-43.

10.    Fang J, Shi R, Meng Z*, Jiang Y, Qin Z, Zhang Q, et al. The interaction effect of catalyst and ash on diesel soot oxidation by thermogravimetric analysis. Fuel 2019;258:116151.

11.    Fang J, Meng Z*, Li J, Du Y, Qin Y, Jiang Y, et al. The effect of operating parameters on regeneration characteristics and particulate emission characteristics of diesel particulate filters. Applied Thermal Engineering 2019;148:860-7.

12. Fang J, Meng Z*, Li J, Pu Y, Du Y, Li J, et al. The influence of ash on soot deposition and regeneration processes in diesel particular filter. Applied Thermal Engineering 2017;124:633-40.



 1. 四川省科技厅项目,2023YFG0202, 面向减碳目标的燃料电池电极关键技术研究,2023/2-至今,在研,主持

2. 企业委托项目,H232102,涵道风扇开发,2023/2-至今,在研,主持

3.  动力机械与工程教育部重点实验室开放课题,231054,柴油机颗粒在多孔介质表面排放特性研究,2023/1-至今,在研,主持

4. 企业委托项目,222155,车联网智能终端研究,2022/11-至今,在研,主持


      5. 四川省科技厅项目,2021YJ0332,柴油机颗粒物排放特性研究,2021/03-至今,在研,主持






2018 437ccm必赢国际青年学者后备人才

2018 方嘉 (2/15);柴油机尾气治理关键核心技术研究及应用,四川省科技厅,科技进步类,三等奖

2018 四川省海外高层次人才


Applied Thermal Engineering, Fuel, Energy&Fuel等国际SCI期刊审稿人
